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Well it took about 4 years to complete after it was taken off the road to fix a minor lean
What's Been Happening? Winter Rebuild of the Mk1 The engine gave out last year on track at the Ford Fair show at Silverstone so I took the opportunity to have the engine fully rebuilt and, at the same time, added the long needed limited slip differential, oh and chaged the CWP ratio Classic Ford Feature - including cover I knew the car was to be featured in October's Classic Ford but what Gareth, the writer, or Simon, the editor, hadn't mentioned was the small fact that it was also going to be the cover car. Imagine my surprise when this dropped on to the doormat this week. Very pleased to say the least And it get's better as there is a 6 page spread inside - pop along and get your copy now, I know I have
Lakes Tour 2010 A much nicer weekend, weather wise, than last year as you can see from the photo. This year the route went back towards the longer route used in 2008 and took in Hartside Pass. There was a record turn out with nigh on 200 cars decending on the Lakes for the weekend - Awesome!
Cleveland RSOC inaugural Cleveland Hills Tour 2009 Our local group had its first ever tour on 16 August. We set off from our meeting point and took a route covering nearly 140 miles of the Cleveland Hills and North Yorks Moors visiting Osmotherly, Helmsley, Kirbymoorside and The Lion Inn at Blakey Ridge for Sunday lunch. It was then on to Rosedale Abbey, Egton, Goathland (Hearbeat!), Whitby, Castleton, Danby and back home. 15 cars took part with no breakdowns and a great day was had by all. Steve, who organised it, took some pics along the way and I shot some in car video. Click the frame to the right for the photos and video clips. Durham & Derby RSOC Show at Croft 2009 Another 2 superb days on track - I was in the Sierra once again as I'd smashed the gearbox on the Mk1 on the Lakes Tour (see below) and it was still being repaired (bit of a pattern forming here). Anyway a cracking weekend was had by all. Click the frame to the right for the photos and clips.
Lakes Tour 2009 On the weekend of the 9 & 10 June we once again went over to the Heaves Hotel near Kendal for the 4th Annual Lakes Tour and the Cumbria RSOC Show. This year the tour covered about 120 miles within the Lakes but the weather wasn't so kind this year - Click the picture for the photos and video from the Tour and Show
Other photos I've added a page for other general photos taken but not part of a trackday/show etc. Click the frame to the right for the photos.
Javelin Track Day at Croft On October 19 I popped along to a Javelin track day at Croft with a few of the lads from Cleveland and North Yorks RSOC. I'm in the Sierra but unlike the last time in the summer it's now running a full set of track day tyres. Big improvement
Colin McRae Stages and Commemorative Display On the weekend of the 26 to the 28 of September we went up to Perth for the event. A host of rally stars from past and present had been asked to take part in tribute to Colin, the service park was an awesome place to be. You can see the photos and videos I took by clicking the frame to the right.
The lads at www.rallyesportescorts.co.uk and www.scottisholdskoolescorts.co.uk had also arranged to have a number of Mk1 and Mk2 Escorts attend the event, and be displayed on a commemorative display adjacent to the main service area, and I was kindly allowed to be one of them. Again click the frame to the right for more photos. Then on the Sunday a few of us went over to the Retro Ford show at Crail for some skidding and runs down the dragstrip. Andrew Gallacher also had his dyno on site.
Durham & Derby RSOC Show at Croft 2008 I spent very little time at the show but we had 2 superb days on track - I was in the Sierra once again as I'd cracked one of the heads on the Mk1 on the Lakes Tour (see below) and had not had the time to repair and run in the engine so didn't want to take the chance. Anyway a cracking weekend was had by all although I managed to take a full set of brake pads from brand new to bare metal over the 2 days on track. Click the frame to the right for the clips.
Lakes Tour 2008 On the weekend of the 10 & 11 June, Rob, Steve an I set off over to the Heaves Hotel near Kendal for the 3rd Annual Lakes Tour and Cumbria RSOC Show. This year the tour covered about 164 miles within the lakes but also up onto the Pennines - Click the picture for the photos and video from the Tour and Show
Rally and Rallycross As I have a bit more space on my site now I've uploaded some footage from the Lindisfarne Rally (see pics below) and also from the Cheviot Rally. We were marshalling at the Lindisfarne so all of the video is from one location but you just gotta love the sound of the cars, especially those 6R4's. We moved about a bit for the Cheviot so there's action from a few different vantage points, including "the yumps". Lindisfarne Rally - Click here Also, some footage from the final round of the Rallycross championship from Croft on 30 Oct. An excellent day and quite warm for a change - click here A very eventful first corner in the final heat of the supercars and footage from the final (until the battery ran out Lindisfarne Rally 2005 On Sept 25 I went up to Otterburn with Ken to Marshall on the Lindisfarne Rally. As there were several of us at the marshall point I was still able to get some photos and video. To see the photos Click here, there's now a link to the video above. Durham & Derby RS Owners Club Track Day at Croft July 3 saw the 3rd track day / show at Croft and again I was on track, this time sharing the car with Ken (RSescorts). As usual it was a superb day out with plenty of track time and load of fun. To view the clips click here Old Skool Track Day at Bruntingthorpe It was that time of year again and I've just got back from Brunters and Stanford Hall, where the AVO show took place. For pics of the trackday click here and for some pics from the AVO show click here Tarmac Rally stages at Croft On the 28 of December I went along to the Christmas Stages and then on Saturday 15 January I went to the Jack Frost Stages at Croft. I took along the video camera and you can see the footage below (12 & 17 meg so you may want to right click and download them). Watch out for Ken in his first rally at the Jack Frost - number 25. Christmas Stages footage - Click Here Jack Frost Stages footage - Click Here
Old Skool Track Day Had a great time down at Bruntingthorpe with the lads. As I don't have the V8 back together and as Ricj was concussed from Tango's boot lid falling on him, we went down in the 944 and I took that around for a laugh. It went surprisingly well. I also blagged a few pasenger rides in Shaun's Mk1 Escort Cossie, Hugh's Westfield and Dave's Mk2 RS2000. Cheers lads Durham RSOC Track Day / Show Then last week we all went along the Durham RSOC Track day/Show at Croft. We arrived the night before to allow time for preparation (beers) and an excellent day, and night, was had by all. If you go to the Track Days section you can view some videos of the cars on track. Keep a look out for the Lamborghini!! Cheers Andy |